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2024-02-05 06:28:16
美[riːpeɪv]  英[riːpeɪv]
vt.  再铺;重新铺砌


  1. You can hire someone to repave the front path and plant a new hedge, but that person cant empower those improvements with your desire for change. 你可以雇佣某人来重新将院子前面的车道铺好,或者重新种上篱笆,但是那个人不能通过你对改观的渴望来对那些措施富裕能量。
  2. Therefore, lots of pavements need to repair in large-scale even repave wholly after using a long time, which will bring large numbers of waste asphalt mixture. 因此,沥青路面使用一定年限后必须进行大面积的维修,甚至全路段铣刨,重新铺筑。
  3. The main purpose of the project is to reconstruct the roof, to repave the floor and to carry out the internal and external redecoration and minor repairs and restorations of the Tang Ancestral Hall. 工程项目主要目的是重建邓氏宗祠的屋顶、重铺地台、修饰宗祠的内外部,并进行其他的小型维修及复修工作。