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2024-02-05 06:34:17
美[rɪpiːt]  英[rɪpiːt]
n.  重复;反复
v.  重复;复述
adj.  重复的;反复的
  形容词:repeatable  名词:repeatability  过去式:repeated  过去分词:repeated  现在分词:repeating  第三人称单数:repeats


  1. 复制,拷贝
  2. 【音】重奏部分
  3. 反复记号,反复符号
  4. 副本
  5. 【商】再次订购,再次供应
  6. 重演,重播,再演
  7. 重复(的花样)
  8. 再说,再做
  9. 【商】再供给,再定货
  10. 复写
  11. 重演的事物
  1. 重做,重说,重复,反复,重演,重复说,重读,重播,重修
  2. 使再现,重复出现
  3. 照着说,照着写,跟读
  4. 把讲出去
  5. 再经历
  6. 留有余味
  7. 背诵,朗诵,复诵
  8. 再三讲,再说一遍
  9. 照样传达(别人的话)
  10. 连打
  11. 循环
  12. 重新推出
  13. 重复发生,再次发生
  14. 转述,转告,复述
  15. 重复投票


  1. vt. & vi. 重说; 重做 say or do again
  2. vt. 复述; 背诵 say (sth heard or learnt) to others
  3. vi. 吃后仍留有余味 (of food) continue to be tasted from time to time after being eaten
  4. vt. 再次供应 supply a further consignment of (sth)
  1. [C]重复,反复; 复述,背诵 act of repeating; thing repeated
  2. [C]反复记号 mark indicating a passage that is to be repeated


  1. an event that repeats;

    "the events today were a repeat of yesterdays"

  1. to say, state, or perform again;

    "She kept reiterating her request"

  2. make or do or perform again;

    "He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick"

  3. happen or occur again;

    "This is a recurring story"

  4. to say again or imitate;

    "followers echoing the cries of their leaders"

  5. do over;

    "They would like to take it over again"

  6. repeat an earlier theme of a composition


  1. repeat a command再次下达同样的命令
  2. repeat a course重读一门课程
  3. repeat a request提出同样的请求
  4. repeat a signal再发出信号
  5. repeat a statement再次声明
  6. repeat a year留级
  7. repeat an action再次进行某项活动
  8. repeat an order再订同样的货
  9. repeat performance再次演出
  10. repeat poem背诗
  11. repeat text背课文
  1. repeat emphatically强调重复
  2. repeat fluently流利地重复
  3. repeat foolishly愚蠢地重复
  4. repeat idiotically愚蠢地重复
  5. repeat insistently坚持重复
  6. repeat tediously乏味地重复
  7. repeat tenderly温和地重复
  1. a repeat of the performance这次演出的重播
  2. a repeat of this programme这个节目的重播
  3. repeat on television重复的电视节目
  1. give a repeat重复一次


  1. A repeat of a television program is boring.电视节目的重播是很乏味的。
  2. Malcolm is forced to repeat crimes on himself.马尔康不得不反复声言自己有罪。
  3. Repeat this process repetitively, each time going farther and farther from the dog.反复这一过程,逐渐地加大你与狗之间的距离。
  1. The teacher asked him to repeat what he had said.老师要他重复他所讲的话。
  2. It is embarrassing to repeat what he said.若要重复他说过的话,会很尴尬的。
  3. I repeat that this must not happen again.我重复地说一遍,这种事不容再发生。
  4. The girl repeated the poem after I had read it twice.我读了两遍这首诗,这个小女孩就会背诵了。
  5. Can you repeat what Ive just said word for word?你能一字不差地复述我刚才说过的话吗?
  6. In this task, test takers repeat sentences verbatim.在这个部分,考生将逐词逐句地复述句子。
  7. You might as well read the argument as to have me repeat it to you.你也可以自己先阅读该论题或由我来复述。
  1. You can also specify the repeat interval for the probe.你还可以指定探测器的重复间隔。


    repeat的基本意思是“重说,重做”,指一件事情说过或做过之后再重复一次或多次,有时也可表示“转述”。引申可作“复述,背诵”“再次供应”“吃后仍留有余味”等解。 repeat可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或that/wh-从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。 repeat的过去分词repeated常用作形容词,在句中作定语。
    repeat用作名词的意思是“重复,反复,复述,背诵”,是可数名词,“重复”的内容可由介词of引出。 在音乐术语里, repeat也可作“反复记号”解。


  1. 他又讲了一遍他的故事。

    He repeated his story again.

    He repeated his story.

    repeat已含有“重”的意思,因此,表示“再说一次”时,不宜再加again。不过repeat it again的说法是有的,但它表示“说第三遍”,而不是“再说一遍”。


    If you do not want to repeat the tragic history, you should never show mercy to your enemies.

    If you do not want to see the tragic history repeated, you should never show mercy to your enemies.

    个人不能使历史重演,所以不能用repeat the tragic history,而应该用repeat的被动形式。