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2024-02-05 07:09:16
美[rɪpleɪs]  英[rɪpleɪs]
vt.  取代;替换;放回原处;偿还
  形容词:replaceable  名词:replacer  过去式:replaced  过去分词:replaced  现在分词:replacing  第三人称单数:replaces


  1. 取代,代替;以…代替
  2. 归还,还,送还
  3. 放回原处;把…放回(原处)
  4. 赔偿,偿还
  5. 接任;接替
  6. 调换,替换,更换
  7. 给与替手
  8. 更新
  9. 使复职


  1. vt. 把…放回原处 put (sth) back in the right place
  2. vt. 取代; 更换 take the place of; change (one person or thing) for another, often better, newer, etc.


  1. substitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected);

    "He replaced the old razor blade" "We need to replace the secretary that left a month ago" "the insurance will replace the lost income" "This antique vase can never be replaced"

  2. take the place or move into the position of;

    "Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left" "the computer has supplanted the slide rule" "Mary replaced Susan as the teams captain and the highest-ranked player in the school"

  3. put something back where it belongs;

    "replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it" "please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when you have washed them"

  4. put in the place of another; switch seemingly equivalent items;

    "the con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt" "substitute regular milk with fat-free milk" "synonyms can be interchanged without a changing the contexts meaning"


  1. replace the abolition of established systems代替废除的制度
  2. replace the books把书放回原处
  3. replace borrowed money还借款
  4. replace a mothers love and care取代母亲的爱和关怀
  5. replace the phone把电话听筒重新挂好
  6. replace a thing把这东西放回原处
  1. replace accidentally〔unexpectedly〕偶然地取代
  2. replace arduously艰苦地取代
  3. replace artfully狡猾地取代
  4. replace breathlessly匆忙取代
  5. replace cautiously〔discreetly〕慎重地取代
  6. replace cheerfully欢快地取代
  7. replace cleverly〔intelligently〕聪明地取代
  8. replace conditionally有条件地取代
  9. replace daringly大胆地取代
  10. replace deliberately故意取代
  11. replace depreciatingly不情愿地取代
  12. replace freely随意地取代
  13. replace graciously和善地取代
  14. replace honorably光明正大地取代
  15. replace ineffectually效果不佳地取代
  16. replace ingeniously巧妙地取代
  17. replace intermittently断断续续地取代
  18. replace involuntarily不由自主地取代
  19. replace painfully痛苦地取代
  20. replace physically踏踏实实地取代
  21. replace prematurely过早地取代
  22. replace promptly立即取代
  23. replace recklessly轻率地取代
  24. replace ruthlessly〔unfeelingly〕无情地取代
  25. replace savagely野蛮地取代
  26. replace sensationally合理地取代
  27. replace thoroughly彻底地取代
  28. replace tyrannically专横地取代
  29. replace unconsciously不自觉地取代
  30. replace unkindly非善意地取代
  31. replace unlawfully非法取代
  32. replace unthinkingly不假思索地取代
  33. replace viciously恶意地取代
  1. replace sb as the director取代某人当主任
  2. replace sb as goal-keeper代某人当守门员
  3. replace coal fires by gas用煤气取代煤火
  4. replace coal fires with gas用煤气取代煤火
  5. replace the old with the new弃旧迎新;


  1. Nothing can replace a mothers love.什么都无法取代母爱。
  2. Weve replaced the old adding machine with a computer.我们用电脑取代了老式的加法计算器。
  3. The coach decided to replace player No. 8 with No. 3.教练决定让3号替换8号。
  4. He replaced the book in the shelf.他把书放回到书架上。
  5. I will replace the cup I broke.我愿用一个新杯子赔还我打碎的一只。


    replace的基本意思是“把…放回原处”,引申可表示“取代”“更换”,指物或人因各种原因而替换,尤指用新的物体代替旧的、破损的或失去的东西,指人时多指取代某一位置以作为替代者或继承者。有时也可作“赔偿,归还”解。 replace只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作简单宾语,常与介词by或with连用。主动式中用with或by均可,而被动式中仅用by。 在表示“取代某人而作为…”时replace常和介词as连用。