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2024-02-05 07:14:17
美[riːplæn]  英[riːplæn]
v.  重新计划


  1. Adjust or Replan production arrangment. 生产计划的调整和变更。
  2. A new mode of reconstruction and replan for city. 室内功能设施齐全,包括休息睡房、卫生沐浴间、开放式厨房、阳台,及相应的天花、地面、门窗、床、衣物柜、电视组合柜、厨具、照明、供热、水电、排污、电脑网络、空调、电话等,让你轻松做业主。
  3. Results After two weeks,th e replan ted thumb were plump and flexible. 结果拇指色泽红润、指腹饱满、张力适中、指温正常及弹性好,两周后复查,患指成活。
  4. In future,our enterprises will,step by step,renew and replan attaching shopping malls. 近期内,我集团计划逐步对旗下的各大百货商场进行重新规划、升级。
  5. Terminate the application, and replan it so that it modifies fewer rows per transaction. 终止该应用并重新计划它,以便每个事务修改较少的行。
  6. We shall have radically to replan them to achieve a rational density of population. 逆向翻译为,“必须不惜一切代价争取时间”,更能表达这句铿锵有力的声明。