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2024-02-05 07:21:17
美[rɪplenɪʃə]  英[rɪplenɪʃə]
vt.  补充器(显象剂)


  1. We need to replenish our stocks of coal. 我们需要再次补充煤的储备。
  2. Youd better replenish the fire. 你最好给炉火再添些燃料。
  3. The music will replenish my weary soul. 音乐使我疲惫的精神充满活力。
  4. Let me replenish your glass with some more wine. 让我给你杯子里再添点葡萄酒。
  5. You know I am not able to replenish the losses. 你知道我是无力补偿这些损失的。
  6. To replenish the petty cash fund. 补足零用现金基金。