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2024-02-05 07:33:16
美[replɪkeɪtɪv]  英[replɪkeɪtɪv]
adj.  重复的;复制的


  1. Is that picture original one or replicative one? 那幅画是原作还是复制品?
  2. The inhibitory action of A 6 and ACV on HSV 1 revealed mainly at the replicative stage of viral proliferation cycle. 结果还表明A6 和ACV对HSV1 的抑制作用主要表现在病毒增殖周期的复制阶段。
  3. A second deliberate mechanism is called replicative senescence or cellular senescence. 第二个/故意/的机制被称为复制性衰老或细胞衰老。
  4. But this hypothesis fails because replicative senescence is far older than cancer. 但这一假说失败了,因为复制衰老比癌老得多。
  5. Many invertebrates experience replicative senescence, though they never die of cancer. 许多无脊椎动物经历复制衰老,虽然它们从来没有死于癌症。
  6. The measurement of telomere length can give an insight into the replicative history of the cells in question. 端粒酶长度的测量技术给正在研究中的细胞的复制史提供了一个新角度。