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2024-02-05 07:40:16
美[riːpɒpjʊleɪt]  英[riːpɒpjʊleɪt]
vt.  重新构成 ... 的人口; 重新居住于


  1. You must manually repopulate full-text catalogs on the destination server. 您必须在目标服务器上手动重新填充全文目录。)
  2. Because myocytes rarely divide, surviving cells cannot repopulate the area by replicating themselves. 由于心肌细胞鲜少进行细胞分裂,因此无法靠存活的细胞自行复制以修补该区域。
  3. I would say the word and only save 1 women so we could repopulate the planet. Oh Joy! 如果你用一个字就可以毁灭整个世界,你会怎么做?
  4. The simple solution is to simply exterminate everybody, and repopulate the area with your own people. 最简单的方法就是把所有人消灭,然后迁入你自己的人民。
  5. Find and raise a faerie pet and repopulate the magical land of Avalon using the resources found by clearing each level. 我们的目标是清除所有的游戏卡,可从外地赚取的最低数目的积分。游戏有三种模式:冒险,自由发挥和挑战。
  6. Langur families may soon spread beyond the reserve to repopulate the surrounding mountains. 周围的山峰将有可能迎来新的猴群的入住。