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2024-02-05 08:07:16
美[ˌreprɪhenʃən]  英[ˌreprɪhenʃən]
n.  非难;斥责


  1. an act or expression of criticism and censure;

    "he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face"


  1. The ransom of a mans life are his riches: but he that is poor beareth not reprehension. 富人的钱财只是性命的赎价,穷人却没有这样的威胁。
  2. The reprehension of practical writings is one of the basic necessities of students reading ability in English course teaching of the occupation and technology education. 应用文阅读是高职高专教育英语课程教学对学生阅读能力的基本要求之一。
  3. worthy of and deserving reprehension or reproof. 应被指责、非难的行为。
  4. 8 The ransom of a mans life are his riches: but he that is poor beareth not reprehension. 富人的钱财只是性命的赎价,穷人却没有这样的威胁。
  5. being reprehensible; worthy of and deserving reprehension or reproof. 应受谴责的;应被指责、非难的行为。
  6. being reprehensible; worthy of and deserving reprehension or reproof 应受谴责的;应被指责、非难的行为