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2024-02-05 08:08:17
美[ˌreprɪhensɪv]  英[ˌreprɪhensɪv]
adj.  谴责的;非难的


  1. So, only some reprehensive items need to be determined instead of determining all the items. 由此可以根据聚类分析和主成分分析的分类结果,只测定有“代表性”的指标,而不需要测定所有指标。
  2. The selected cases are all well reprehensive, practical with localised features. 本课程精选的案例均具有极强的代表性和实用性,体现中国商业的特色。
  3. An International company in the Semiconductor Industry is looking for a Chief Reprehensive for the companys marketing and sales activities in China. 一家半导体领域的境外公司现需招聘一名负责中国市场开发和销售事务的首席代表。
  4. He served as head of the economics unit and senior economist at the World Banks Reprehensive Office in China during 1992-97 when he was involved in Chinas market reform programs. 1992-1997年间,他曾协助推动中国经济改革计划,并担任世界银行驻中国代表处首席经济学家。
  5. Beijing reprehensive office (preparation work) is mainly in charge of the promotion of the airline service college, the marketing and organization of the international education exhibition. 北京办事处(筹备)主要负责航空服务学院在华宣传和招生推广工作;市场策划及组织大型国际教育展会;
  6. Field Training Assistance Reprehensive 野战训练支援代表