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2024-02-05 09:50:17
美[ˌriːreɪdɪeɪʃən]  英[ˌriːreɪdiːeɪʃən]
n.  再放射


  1. This reradiation or transmission of energy by the nuclei as they return to their initial state is what is observed as the MRI signal. 质子在返回初始状态时所重新辐射或释放的能量就是我们所观察的磁共振信号。
  2. Deliberate radiation or reradiation of electromagnetic waves so as to impair the usefulness of a specific segment of the radio spectrum that is being used by the enemy for communication or radar. 人为地辐射或反向辐射电磁波,使一段特定的无线电波谱的可用性削弱,而这一波谱段是由敌人的通讯或雷达所使用。
  3. In addition, the Chinese electrical appliances product bases after the American market, very easy reradiation to Canada, Central and South America and so on neighboring market. 此外,中国家电产品在美国市场立足后,很容易再辐射到加拿大、中美洲和南美洲等相邻市场。
  4. Influence of GPS Positioning Precision for Reradiation Jamming 转发式干扰对GPS定位精度的影响
  5. Guide on the prediction, measurement, and analysis of AM broadcast reradiation by power lines 用电力线对AM广播再放射进行预测、测量和分析