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2024-02-05 10:01:17
美[riːruːt]  英[riːruːt]
vt.  变更旅行路线


  1. Cannot reroute printer output to serial device %1. 无法将打印机输出结果重选路由到序列设备%251。
  2. Busy No Answer Reroute (or Routing). 遇忙无应答重发(或路由选择)。
  3. I wonder if you can reroute me on your flight? 我想先去华盛顿再去上海,能改一下行程吗?
  4. Could you please reroute me through San Fransisco? 麻烦你帮我重新安排在旧金山转机的班机好吗?
  5. Finally is my personal views about the subject of reroute. 最后笔者个人对改航课题的一些观点、见解。
  6. Describes how to reroute and redraw connections between applications. 描述如何重新确定应用程序之间的连接并重绘这些连接。