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2024-02-05 10:30:17
美[rɪsektəˌskoʊp]  英[rɪsektəskəʊp]
n.  [医](经尿道作业的)前列腺切除器


  1. Eighty four women with AUB received hysteroscopic transcervical resection of the endometrium or intrauterine lesions with a continuous flow resectoscope. 应用连续灌流宫腔电切镜,对84例异常子宫出血患者进行宫腔电切术治疗。
  2. Resectoscope loop biopsy is the method of choice to detect urothelial carcinoma in the prostatic urethra/prostate and such biopsies should include the area around the erumontanum to ensure optimal sensitiity. 经尿道前列腺活检是前列腺尿道以及前列腺中泌尿道上皮癌检测的一种方法选择,活检应包括精阜周围区域以确保最佳的敏感性。
  3. To evaluate the possibility of reducing the risk of this adverse event, the investigators performed TURP in five patients using a new bipolar resectoscope that allows the use of normal saline. 为了评估降低副作用发生的可能性,研究人员让5位病患使用新型双极性直肠镜,以生理食盐水来执行TURP手术;
  4. Abstract:[objective]To investigate effective method of Pneumatic ballistic lithotripsy for bladder calculi. [Methods]A ureteroscope was inserted into the bladder via out sheath of resectoscope. 摘要:目的探讨经电切镜鞘气压弹道碎石术治疗膀胱结石的有效治疗手段。
  5. low pressure continuous irrigation resectoscope 低压连续冲洗(前列腺)切除镜
  6. Plasmakinetic bipolar vaporized resectoscope 等离子体双极电切镜