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2024-02-05 10:56:16
美[rɪzɜːrvɪst]  英[rɪzɜːvɪst]
n.  后备军人;在乡军人


  1. a member of a military reserve


  1. A reservist in the British army, Mr Ryan clearly has the trust of plenty of soldiers. 身为英国预备役军人,莱恩理所当然地得到了很多士兵的信任。
  2. Alongside the famous names are lesser known individuals such asthe inventor of snooker, army reservist Neville Chamberlain. 除了这些著名的人物外,还有一些不太知名的人,例如斯诺克台球的发明者、陆军预备役军人尼维尔·张伯伦。
  3. At present amounts to 6 people to accept the training, 3 people carry out the aerial mission, 3 people take the reservist. 目前总计6人接受训练,其中3人执行飞行任务,3人作为后备队员。
  4. Unlike the weekend warriors of other reservist units, Norforce soldiers can serve for up to 150 days a year, and many do. 和其他那些预备役部队里那些只有周末出来活动的人不同,“非武力组织”的战士每年可以工作150天,而且很多人就是工作150天。
  5. But one regiment is much closer to home -- Norforce, a reservist unit, protects the vast wilderness regions of northern Australia. “非武装组织”是一个预备役军人组织,它保护着澳大利亚北部的大面积的野生丛林。
  6. AVIVA MYSHIELD term:Exclude coverage for "active military,police,or civil defence training.duties or operations,other than Reservist. 我不明白为什么AVIVA还卖给那些服兵役的人。