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2024-02-05 11:01:17
美[reʃ]  英[reʃ]
n.  希伯莱文第20个字母


  1. the 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet


  1. So in time, the letters “RESH?were added. 因此,在时间,写上"resh?增加了。
  2. Smell:What does it smell like?Sweet and resh or stale and bad? 味道:闻起来味道怎么样?甜的,新鲜或是变味的,坏了的?
  3. Usually I resh to work without any breakfast at all. 通常我根本不吃早饭就赶来工作。
  4. Resh pineapple, Canadian bacon.Mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce. 鲜甜菠萝、烟培根、芝士及秘制比萨酱。
  5. Kentuky chichen in served with bread and salad while Hua rong chicken with fried rice and resh vegetable. 肯德鸡配面包和沙拉,而华荣鸡配炒饭和鲜菜。
  6. Kentuky chichen is served with bread and salad while Hua rong chicken with fried rice and resh vegetable. 肯德鸡配面包和沙拉,而华荣鸡配炒饭和鲜菜。