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2024-02-05 11:39:16
美[rɪzɪst]  英[rɪzɪst]
v.  抵制;抵抗;反抗;忍住
n.  防蚀涂层
  名词:resister  过去式:resisted  过去分词:resisted  现在分词:resisting  第三人称单数:resists


  1. 抵制
  2. 抵抗
  3. 反对
  4. 反抗
  5. 忍住
  6. 抗拒
  7. 敌对
  8. 抵御
  9. 阻止
  10. 击退
  11. 妨碍
  12. 阻碍
  13. 忍耐
  14. 不赞成
  15. 蔑视
  16. 违背
  17. 抗御
  18. 顶住
  19. 承受
  20. 对…有耐受能力
  21. 对抗
  22. 耐得住
  23. 使用武力阻止(某事)发生
  24. 阻挡
  25. 回击
  26. 抵挡
  27. 使不受…的伤害
  28. 抗(伤害)
  29. 不受损害
  30. 不屈从
  31. 经得住
  1. 防染剂
  2. 抗蚀剂
  3. 排色物
  4. 防蚀用涂料
  5. 防腐剂
  6. 保护膜
  7. 抗蚀膜
  8. 有防护能力的物质
  9. 防蚀涂层


  1. vt. & vi. 抵抗; 阻止前进 oppose; use force against in order to prevent the advance of
  2. vt. 未受损害; 耐得住 be undamaged or unaffected by
  3. vt. 不屈服于 try not to yield to; keep oneself back from


  1. elude, especially in a baffling way;

    "This behavior defies explanation"

  2. stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something
  3. express opposition through action or words;

    "dissent to the laws of the country"

  4. withstand the force of something;

    "The trees resisted her" "stand the test of time" "The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow"

  5. resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ;

    "His body rejected the liver of the donor"

  6. refuse to comply


  1. resist aggression抵抗侵略
  2. resist an attack抵抗攻击
  3. resist authority反抗权势
  4. resist the enemy抵抗敌人
  5. resist heat耐热
  6. resist infection抗感染
  7. resist the police反抗警察
  8. resist violence抵抗暴力
  1. resist no longer无法抵抗
  2. resist effectively有效地抵抗
  3. resist heroically英勇抵抗
  4. resist modestly适度地抵抗
  5. resist passively消极地抵抗
  6. resist physically身体上地抵抗
  7. resist resolutely坚决地抵抗
  8. resist skillfully熟练地抵抗
  9. resist stoutly坚定地抵抗
  10. resist strenuously〔vigorously,violently〕奋力抵抗
  11. resist stubbornly顽固地抵抗


  1. Many young people could not resist the spiritual pollution.很多年轻人不能抵制精神污染。
  2. They are determined to resist invasion.他们决定抵抗入侵。
  3. The nobility usually resist social changes.贵族通常反对社会变革。
  4. They were powerless to resist.他们无力反抗。
  5. I can never resist an ice cream.我一见到冰淇淋就忍不住想吃。


    resist的基本意思是“反抗,抵抗”,指拒绝接受,并设法阻止其发生,也指与其战斗以防被击败,往往强调以武力为手段,引申还可以作“未受损害,耐得住”解。 resist还可表示从主观意识出发的意志“不屈服,忍住”,这时,后面常跟动名词,并多用于否定句中,意思是“不禁,忍不住”。 resist主要用作及物动词,偶尔用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。