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2024-02-05 11:51:17
美[rɪzɪstlɪs]  英[rɪzɪstlɪs]
adj.  不能抵抗的;无抵抗力的
  副词:resistlessly  名词:resistlessness


  1. impossible to resist; overpowering;

    "irresistible (or resistless) impulses" "what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?"

  2. offering no resistance;

    "resistless hostages" "No other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried"


  1. Be his Banner unconquered, resistless his spear. 祝他旗开得胜,所向无敌。
  2. The grain seemed impelled with a force of its own, a resistless, huge force. 这些粮食好象是给自己的力量,给一股势不可当,巨大无比的力量驱使着。
  3. Sincerity has such resistless charms;she oft the fiercest of our foes disarms. 真诚的魔力如此不可抵抗,最凶猛的敌人也常被它解除武装。
  4. O bride! O wife! more resistless than I can tell, the thought of you! 新娘啊!妻子啊!我对你的思念是何等难以形容地不可抵御!
  5. A New Method of Resistless Photochemical Etching for Silicon Wafer[J]. 引用该论文 杨杰;刘焰发;村原正隆.
  6. The video packet encoded by block-based prediction encoding standard is very resistless to transmission over the packet-switched network and Internet. 使用基于块的预测编码产生的视频流对包交换网络及无线网络中的传输错误异常敏感。