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2024-02-05 12:09:17
美[rɪˌzɒlvəbɪlətɪ]  英[rɪˌzɒlvəbɪlɪtɪ]
n.  可分解;分解性


  1. Influence of eco environment on crude fibre resolvability of ruminal microbial flora in vitro culture. 主要生态环境变化对离体瘤胃菌丛降解粗纤维能力的影响
  2. However I resolvd not to loose my corn, if possible, tho I should watch it night and day. 但我决心不能让我的庄稼白白损失,即使整天整夜守着也在所不惜。
  3. However Iresolvd not to loose my corn, if possible, tho Ishould watch it night and day. 但我决心不能让我的庄稼白白损失,即使整天整夜守着也在所不惜。
  4. Otherwize, through independent encoding, we offer a new parallel model according to the resolvability of independent variable room. 另外,通过独立编码策略,还提出了一种基于问题解空间分解的并行模型。
  5. It is more remarkable that the disc is more sensitive since that the resolvability the laser light is strongly related to the warp value. 而以光盘片而言,光盘片之翘曲值对于雷射光线聚焦,数据读取等影响更为显著。
  6. And more particularly because there was no fresh water near it, so Iresolvd to find a more healthy and more convenient spot of ground. 二则附近没有淡水。我得找一个比较卫生,比较方便的地方建造自己的住所。