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2024-02-05 12:11:17
美[rɪzɑːlv]  英[rɪzɒlv]
vt.  解决;决定;表决;分解
vi.  决定;分解
n.  决心;坚决
  形容词:resolvable  副词:resolvedly  名词:resolvability  过去式:resolved  过去分词:resolved  现在分词:resolving  第三人称单数:resolves


  1. 决心,意志,决定,决意
  2. 刚毅,坚定,不屈不挠,坚决
  3. 议决,决议
  4. 宗旨
  5. 果断
  6. 坚定的信念
  7. 决定之事
  1. 解决
  2. 消除
  3. 使分解,使解体,分解为
  4. 分辨
  5. 解答,解析
  6. 使变成, 逐步变成
  7. 消退
  8. 决定,决心,下决心,决意
  9. 溶解(化合物),分解,解体
  10. 还原
  11. 议决,投票表决,表决
  12. 决议,作出正式决定,作出决议
  13. 逐渐被理解为
  14. 使决意,使下决心,使作出决议
  15. 转为和音
  16. 分离


  1. vt. & vi. 决定; 决心 decide; determine
  2. vt. 解决 put an end to (doubts, difficulties, etc.) by supplying an answer
  3. vt. & vi. 分析; 分解(为部分); 转变; 变成 break up; separate (into parts); convert; be converted


  1. the trait of being resolute;

    "his resoluteness carried him through the battle" "it was his unshakeable resolution to finish the work"

  2. a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote
  1. bring to an end; settle conclusively;

    "The case was decided" "The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff" "The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance"

  2. reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
  3. reach a decision;

    "he resolved never to drink again"

  4. understand the meaning of;

    "The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered"

  5. make clearly visible;

    "can this image be resolved?"

  6. find the solution;

    "solve an equation" "solve for x"

  7. cause to go into a solution;

    "The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water"


  1. resolve an issue into把某一问题分成…
  1. resolve deliberately从容地解决
  2. resolve easily易于分解
  3. resolve fiercely强烈地决定
  4. resolve firmly下定决心
  5. resolve imprudently冒失地决定
  6. resolve privately个人的决定
  7. resolve prudently慎重地决定
  8. resolve quickly〔swiftly〕很快解决
  9. resolve rationally合理地决定
  10. resolve really真正解决
  11. resolve ultimately最后决定
  1. resolve against决定反对
  2. resolve by通过…解决
  3. resolve into分解成
  4. resolve into oxygen and hydrogen分解成氢和氧
  5. resolve on〔upon〕关于…决定
  6. resolve on amendment决心痛改前非


  1. Intensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute.现正全力以赴来解决这场纠纷。
  2. He resolved that nothing should hold him back.他下决心不让任何事情阻挡他。
  3. We can resolve the problem into more elementary items.我们能够把这个问题分解成更基本的细目。
  1. He resolved on going abroad to study.他决定到海外留学。
  2. The mixture will resolve into three simple substances.这种混合物可分解成三种单纯状之。
  1. He kept his resolve to do better.他决心干得更出色。
  2. He made a firm resolve to give up gambling.他下决心不再赌博。
  3. Nothing can weaken his resolve to become a lawyer.什么也动摇不了他要当律师的决心。


    resolve的基本意思是“决心”“决定”,指某人为了某种目的或信念而决心去做某事,往往强调个人在某个具体工作或行动中所下的决心。引申可表示“解决”,指为某些问题、争论或困难等找到答案并实施。resolve还可表示“分解”“分析”“转变”,其后常接on+名词/动名词、动词不定式或that从句。 resolve可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、动名词或that从句作宾语,从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟语气。