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2024-02-05 12:14:17
美[rɪzɒlvənt]  英[rɪzɒlvənt]
adj.  有溶解力的; 使 ... 溶解的
n.  分解物; 消散药


  1. a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances;

    "the solvent does not change its state in forming a solution"


  1. And the resolvent of the difficulties is discussed. 讨论了建立应用程序时的难点解决方案。
  2. Finaly, the resolvent procedure is given. 最后给出了求解的计算程序。
  3. At division, it presented the resolvent when divisor being zero. 除法运算中给出了除数为零的解决方案;
  4. This paper analyses the reason and resolvent of the problems. 本文就这些问题的产生原因及解决方法进行了分析讨论。
  5. About permanent resolvent for this problem, it is suggested that consult CJEC. 关于此类问题的永久性解决方法,建议向本公司咨询。
  6. Meanwhile, some problems occur, one of resolvent is to add nozzle width. 但同时出现一些问题,解决的办法之一就是增大喷嘴宽度。