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2024-02-05 12:17:16
美[rezənəntli]  英[rezənəntli]
adv.  共鸣地;反响地


  1. Five-ocean’s billowy beating bill-and-coo, resonantly echo Seven Continents. 五洋鼓澜,七洲宏和。
  2. The atoms are resonantly interacting to fields and there is no direct interaction between the atoms. 现在我知道自己为什么会做出这样的选择了。
  3. The cow carries on the back shepherd boys piccolo, this time also all day long in resonantly sound. 牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天在嘹亮地响。
  4. Comrade Deng Xiaoping put forward resonantly 1988, science and technology is the first productivity. 邓小平同志在1988年响亮地提出,科学技术是第一生产力。
  5. Danny25, I am a Briton, but I was form caucasus when I was a child. I like sport and like make friends, the reson is Im Aries I think. 丹尼,男,25岁,来自高加索的英国人。我喜欢运动,喜欢交朋友,我想大概因为我是白羊座的缘故吧。
  6. Later the little boy asked his father,"why does mother seem to cry for no reson? 后来男孩问他爸爸:“妈妈为什么毫无理由地哭呢?