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2024-02-05 12:20:17
美[rɪsɔːb]  英[rɪsɔːb]
v.  再吸收
  过去式:resorbed  过去分词:resorbed  现在分词:resorbing  第三人称单数:resorbs


  1. undergo resorption


  1. Primary (congenital) hydrocephalus is apparently due to failure of arachnoid villi to resorb CSF at an adequate rate. 水脑症,原发性的水脑症是因为蜘蛛膜小梁对脑脊液的再吸收出现异常。
  2. Despite theoretical benefits, due to a propensity to resorb, caution should be used when considering using DCA in ACDF. 融合率为82%25,但没有病人因有症状的假关节需翻修手术。
  3. Bone is a complex tissue composed of several cell types and the two major of them responsible for bone remodelling are osteoclast, which resorb bone, and osteoblast, which form new bone. 骨骼是具有数种细胞型态的复杂组织,而其中最重要的两种分别是负责骨吸收作用的破骨细胞及职司骨生成的造骨细胞。
  4. There is a large amount of evidence, both in hepatitis C and B, that if you control or eradicate the viral infection much of the scar will resorb, even in patients who are cirrhotic. 这就使得我们需要一种全新的评估方式,来评价瘢痕形成、整体功能、代谢储备等情况。
  5. Detection of minor arsenic from cosmetic by using rapid resorb spectrophotography 快速消解分光光度吸收法测定化妆品中微量砷