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2024-02-05 12:26:16
美[tɪv]  英[tɪv]
adj.  再吸收的;(体内组织的)吸回(作用)的


  1. If patient still has severly functional impairment after conservetive treatment of degeererative or resorptive joint diseases, the arthrectomy or artificial joint replacment could be considered. 严重的退化性或吸收性关节疾病经过保守性的治疗后,若病人仍有极度的功能障碍,则可考虑关节切除或人工关节置换。
  2. The midgut gland cell differentiation occurs at Z2, There are 4 types of cells, i. e., embryonic cell (E-cell), fibrillar cell (F-cell), blister cell (B-cell) and resorptive cell(R-cell). 中肠腺小管上皮在Z2期细胞已有了分化,由4类细胞组成,即胚细胞(E细胞)、纤维细胞(F细胞)、泡状细胞(B细胞)和吸收细胞(R细胞)。
  3. Conclusions Induction of osteoclast apoptosis and decrease of the cell number and inhibition of resorptive ability were the major mechanism for bone loss prevention effect of BM210955 in vitro. 结论诱导破骨细胞凋亡、降低破骨细胞生存数目并抑制细胞的骨吸收功能是BM210955延缓骨丢失、抑制骨吸收的主要机制之一。
  4. resorptive effect 吸回效应
  5. horizontal resorptive process 水平吸收过程