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2024-02-05 12:36:17
美[rɪspekt]  英[rɪspekt]
vt.  尊敬;尊重;遵守;关于;涉及
n.  (复)respects: 敬意;问候
  名词:respecter  过去式:respected  过去分词:respected  现在分词:respecting  第三人称单数:respects


  1. 尊重,尊敬,敬重,重视
  2. 方面,关系,着眼点
  3. [-s]问候,敬意
  4. 注重,注意,关心,偏袒
  5. 事由,动机,目的
  1. 尊敬,敬重
  2. 尊重,重视,注重
  3. 考虑,关心,顾及;涉及,关于
  4. 注意,慎重对待,谨慎从事
  5. 尊崇,崇拜,敬佩,对...肃然起敬,仰慕
  6. 遵守,不侵犯,不损害,不违背,不妨害,避免打扰


  1. vt. 尊重,敬佩 feel respect for (especially a person or their qualities)
  1. [U]尊敬,尊重 the feeling that one admires sb/sth very much and that they or it should be treated well and honourably
  2. [U]考虑,关心,顾虑 consideration or care
  3. [C]细节,方面 a detail, particular point
  4. [P]敬意,问候 polite greetings


  1. (usually preceded by `in) a detail or point;

    "it differs in that respect"

  2. the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded);

    "it is held in esteem" "a man who has earned high regard"

  3. an attitude of admiration or esteem;

    "she lost all respect for him"

  4. a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard;

    "his deference to her wishes was very flattering" "be sure to give my respects to the dean"

  5. behavior intended to please your parents;

    "their children were never very strong on obedience" "he went to law school out of respect for his fathers wishes"

  6. a feeling of friendship and esteem;

    "she mistook his manly regard for love" "he inspires respect"

  7. courteous regard for peoples feelings;

    "in deference to your wishes" "out of respect for his privacy"

  1. regard highly; think much of;

    "I respect his judgement" "We prize his creativity"

  2. show respect towards;

    "honor your parents!"


  1. respect oneself自重
  1. respect affectionately友好地尊重
  2. respect deeply十分尊敬
  3. respect dutifully恭敬地尊重
  4. respect fully完全尊重
  5. respect genuinely由衷地尊敬
  6. respect highly十分尊敬
  7. respect markedly明显地尊敬
  8. respect mutually互相尊敬
  9. respect particularly特别尊重
  10. respect sympathetically同情地尊重
  11. respect unduly过于尊重
  12. respect universally普遍地尊重
  13. respect wholesomely有益地尊重
  1. respect as把…尊为
  2. respect for为…钦佩或尊重
  1. challenge respect要求重视
  2. command respect令人肃然起敬
  3. conquer respect获得尊敬
  4. deserve respect应受到尊敬
  5. develop respect开始重视
  6. earn respect赢得尊敬
  7. entertain respect怀有敬意
  8. feel respect for对…深感敬佩
  9. give respect致意
  10. inspire respect引起别人的尊敬
  11. lose the respect of失去…的尊敬
  12. pay respect致意
  13. present respect问候
  14. show respect表示尊敬
  15. win respect赢得尊敬
  1. all respects在各方面
  2. bareheaded respect脱帽致敬
  3. boundless respect深厚的敬意
  4. deep-seated respect由来已久的敬意
  5. every respect全部
  6. kindest respect最亲切的问候
  7. last respect告别
  8. little respect不尊重
  9. mutual respect互相尊重
  10. other respects其他方面
  11. profound respect十分谦恭地
  12. reverent respect十分恭敬
  13. some respects某些方面
  14. utmost respect极其尊崇
  1. in respect of作为…报酬,在…方面
  2. in〔with〕 respect to关于
  3. out of respect for出于尊重
  4. with respect尊敬地
  5. without respect不顾,不考虑


  1. All students should respect their teachers.凡是学生就应当尊敬老师。
  2. I respected their moral standards.我尊重他们的道德标准。
  3. I respect him as a writer and as a man.我尊重他这位作家,也尊重他这个人。
  4. We must respect the laws of a country we are in.我们必须遵守所在国家的法律。
  5. Respecting your salary, we shall come to a decision.关于你的薪水,我们稍后会做出决定。
  6. The terms of the agreement respect theboundary line between the two countries.协议的条款涉及两国间的边界线。
  7. Final agreement on the seabed demarcation would be reached by all bordering states with respect to the legal rights and interests of each country.将由涉及合法权益的每个沿岸国家共同达成海底划界的最终协议。
  1. We called to pay our respects.我们去拜望了,以表示敬意
  2. Please give my respects to your parents.请向你父母表达我的问候。


    respect的基本意思是“尊敬”,指对某人或某人的意见、行为、品德及才华等的尊重和敬佩,引申可表示“不侵犯”“遵守”某事物。 respect是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 respect的过去分词respected可用作形容词,在句中作前置或后置定语。
    respect作“尊敬”“尊重”解时,指对某人或某人的观点、才华、行为的敬慕,是不可数名词,当其前有形容词作定语时,可加不定冠词a。 respect作“敬意”“问候”解需要用复数形式,常与give, send或pay连用。 respect作“方面,点; 细节”解时,一般用于短语in every〔many,some,no,one〕 respect(s)。 respect后常接介词for, to或of,接for〔to〕 sb 表示尊敬的对象; 接for〔to〕 sth 则表示尊敬的原因; 接of sb 则表示“来自于谁”的尊敬。


  1. 顾客们对奸商既不尊敬,也不信任。

    Customers have neither respect nor faith in a merchant who cheats.

    Customers have neither respect for nor faith in a merchant who cheats.

    表示“对…尊敬”时可以用have (a) respect for或show respect to,名词respect和faith后面都应该有介词。


    Everyone can come to this school, without respect of sex or age.

    Everyone can come to this school, without respect for sex or age.

    Everyone can come to this school, without respect to sex or age.

    without respect to是固定词组,表示“不考虑,不管”,其中介词to不能改用of或for。