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2024-02-05 12:49:17
美[respərəbəl]  英[respɪrəbl]
adj.  能呼吸的


  1. Not fit for breathing; not respirable. 不宜于呼吸的,不可呼吸的
  2. All of us, whoever we may be, have our respirable beings. 无论我们是谁,全有供我们呼吸的物质。
  3. Health standard for respirable silica dust in the air of workplace. 车间空气中呼吸性矽尘卫生标准.
  4. Conclusion:Penicillin is a first selective drugs for lower respir... 结论:青霉素是治疗下呼吸道感染的首选药物。
  5. Our major problem is with respirable suspended particulates, which is attributable mainly to diesel vehicle emissions. 我们主要的问题在于可吸入悬浮粒子方面,这个问题主要是由柴油车辆排放的废气导致。
  6. Objective:To find if the results got by respirable coals method accord with those got by total dusts method. 目的:呼吸性煤尘测试方法是否与总尘的测试方法所得的结果一致。