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2024-02-05 13:02:16
美[rɪsplendəntli]  英[rɪsplendəntli]
adv.  耀眼地;灿烂地


  1. in an impressively beautiful manner;

    "the Princess was gorgeously dressed"


  1. We firmly believe that Xiangcheng Senior Middle School, the brilliant pearl inlaid in Central Plains, will shine more and more resplendently. 我们深信,襄城高中这颗镶嵌在中原大地上的明珠,定会放射出更加璀璨夺目的光芒。
  2. Simultaneously Qianlong pursues the full labor, the chinaware design is over elaborate, gorgeously, some are many with the gold, feels resplendently in gold and jade green. 同时乾隆追求满工,瓷器的图案多繁缛、艳丽,有的用金较多,感觉金碧辉煌。
  3. Once there, he will see Amitabha Buddha, surrounded by Bodhisattvas Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya and others, all with resplendently superb bodies, perfect virtues and merits. 一刹那中,即得往生极乐世界。到已即见阿弥陀佛、文殊师利菩萨、普贤菩萨、观自在菩萨、弥勒菩萨等。
  4. resplendvi. 灿烂;发亮