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2024-02-05 13:04:16
美[rɪspɒndəns]  英[rɪspɒndəns]
n.  一致;相应;作答


  1. It was difficult to gauge how people would respond. 大家的反应如何难以估计。
  2. He failed to respond to the medicine. 他服了这药未见起色。
  3. They were prompt to respond to our call for help. 他们对我们的求助迅即回应。
  4. I invited her to dinner but she did not respond. 我请她吃晚饭,但她未作回答。
  5. The capacity to respond to stimuli. 反应力对刺激的反应能力
  6. The patient did not respond to treatment. 病人经治疗後未见起色。