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2024-02-05 13:17:17
美[rəsɑːntɪmɑːn]  英[rəsətɪmə]
sp.  <法>n.(经济上低水平阶层对经济上高水平阶层普遍抱有的)无名怨忿; (因自卑压抑引起的)愤慨


  1. What does he mean by ressentiment and what role does it play in the history of morality? 他说的‘ressentiment’是什麽意思?在伦理学史上,它扮演什麽角色?
  2. Nietzsche speaks often of resentment but uses the French for ressentiment, in an effort to turn it into a term of art - that is, a technical term, a piece of jargon. 尼采常论及“愤懑”(resentment),但却使用法文‘ressentiment’,并试着把它转变为艺术的术语,也就是行话。
  3. Keywords ressentiment;modernity;experience;Chinese modern literature;Lu Xun;Mao Dun;Ba Jin;Lao She;Shen Congwen;Zhang Ailing;Wu Mingshi;Duan Mu Hongliang;Qian Zhongshu;Zhao Shuli; 怨恨;现代性;体验;中国现代文学;鲁迅;茅盾;巴金;老舍;沈从文;张爱玲;钱钟书;端木蕻良;无名氏;赵树理;
  4. The new Ressentiment theory “新怨恨”
  5. New Ressentiment theory “新怨恨”理论