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2024-02-05 13:44:17
美[rɪstɔːrəl]  英[rɪstɔːrəl]
n.  恢复;归还;复位;复职;赔偿;修补;重建;修复物


  1. This paper focused on such problems as mixing models of sources of rotation machines (including vibratory and acoustical sources) and their waveform restoral. 摘要重点讨论了旋转机械源(包括振动激励源与噪声源)混合模式及源波形恢复问题。
  2. The original anastomosis was divided first.FCU was transferred to FCR to restor wrist flexion. 首先把原来缝合之处折开,然后以尺屈腕肌转移至桡屈腕肌上来重建腕部屈曲。
  3. Blind source separation is a promising technique for signal processing, which has such features as blind information processing and waveform restoral. 盲源分离是一种很有希望的信号处理技术,具有独特的盲信息处理和波形保持能力。
  4. Rid-muscle flap and ring pedicled with vessels were made of the 3rd rib and the attaching intercostal muscles,and the tracheoplasty and tracheal restor ation were performed. 将第3肋骨与上下肋间肌修整成带血管蒂的肋骨肌瓣、骨肌瓣环,分别行胸内气管成型与环形替代术。
  5. Study on Waveform Restoral of Mechanical Sources 机械源波形恢复方法的研究
  6. Airborne Communications Restoral Relay 机载通信恢复中继器