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2024-02-05 14:05:16
美[riːstʌdɪ]  英[riːstʌdɪ]
n.  再行检讨;重新检讨


  1. Learn and constantly restudy, isnt pleasure? 学而时习之,不亦悦乎?
  2. I wanted to restudy the nature of painting. 现在人们的接纳性越来越强了,你再怎么样,还是有人认可你。
  3. This problem is very complicated,we have to restudy it. 这个问题很复杂,我们得重新研究一下。
  4. Restudy on the Time of the Letter Written by Sun Yat-sen to Li Xiaosheng. 孙中山致李晓生函时间再考。
  5. Now is the time for everyone to help oneself break the shell to restudy the Classics. 所以自今起人人要自求多福,冲破禁忌,自己重新读起。
  6. Now restudy Yeshengtao’s novels and find the fact of his creation, may have good effect on the literary world today. 重新研究叶圣陶1920年代的小说创作,探究其真实面目,对当下文坛有重要的借鉴意义。