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2024-02-05 14:27:16
美[rɪsɜːdʒ]  英[rɪsɜːdʒ]
vi.  再起;复活;复生
  过去式:resurged  过去分词:resurged  现在分词:resurging  第三人称单数:resurges


  1. rise again;

    "His need for a meal resurged" "The candidate resurged after leaving politics for several years"


  1. If we met in heaven, would you help me resurge? 假如我们在天堂相见,你会帮我再次重生吗?
  2. We must resurge ecological culture in community and combine it with envi... 为此,在新的时代条件下,我们应重振社区生态文化,将其整合到现代农村环境保护之中。
  3. In such joyful moment that everything resurge and thrives, our master Buddha exhibits his fugacious advent. 在这样一个所有生命复苏,乃至满心欢喜的时刻,我们本师佛陀,给我们示现无常的到来。
  4. The Renaissance again discovered the world, the man and brought about the resurge of politics. 文艺复兴重新发现了世界,也重新发现了人,并带来了政治学的复兴。
  5. Wateriness is true,thats right.However,it should be wateriness after passion, then resurge with passion,and have wateriness again. 平平淡淡才是真,没错,可那应该是激情过后的平淡,然后再起激情,再有平淡。
  6. Is you lets in my heart reignite fire of the hope, is you lets my heart resurge, was you saves my to dial coolly dials the cool heart! 是你让我的心里重新燃起希望之火,是你让我的心死灰复燃,是你拯救了我一颗拨凉拨凉的心!