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2024-02-05 14:34:16
美[ˌriːsəveɪ]  英[ˌriːsəveɪ]
n.  再测量;再勘查
  过去式:resurveyed  过去分词:resurveyed  现在分词:resurveying  第三人称单数:resurveys


  1. a new survey or study


  1. Finally, according to the test results to suggestion oneness year cadastral resurvey area for conversion area will be better. 最后,依据测试之结果建议以同一年度之地籍重测区为转换区较为适宜。
  2. All of this request us to resurvey the traditional accounting model and make the reconstruction of the accounting system possible. 这就要求我们重新审视现行的会计模式,从而构建价值链会计体系成为可能。
  3. Resurvey the column axis and elevation line, and mark out the column form line, 1:2 cement mortar will be used to leveling at the column bottom. 将柱轴线、标高线复测投点,弹出柱支模线,将柱脚支模处用1:2水泥砂浆找平,每根柱周围搭设井字架,在井字架上抄测标高控制线。
  4. It is the time to resurvey, organize and plan our nations ocean strategies as Chinas concern about the ocean strategies is not as sufficient as demanded by the challenging salutation. 摘要已经到了一个必须对“国家海洋战略”进行重新审视、梳理和设计的时候,这是因为,中国对海洋战略的重视程度离挑战引发的需求还有不少差距。
  5. A Resurvey of the Map of Western Philosophy 重新勘定西方哲学地图
  6. Resurvey of De Facto Marriage of Our Country 重新审视我国的事实婚姻