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2024-02-05 14:45:16
美[rɪteɪn]  英[rɪteɪn]
vt.  保持;保留;记住;聘请
  形容词:retainable  名词:retainability  过去式:retained  过去分词:retained  现在分词:retaining  第三人称单数:retains


  1. 保持,保留,保住,留住
  2. 挡住,拦住,止住
  3. 记住;记事
  4. 雇用,聘用
  5. 保存;维持
  6. 持有,继续拥有
  7. 继续容纳,容纳
  8. 买回(赛马中被拍卖的获胜马)
  9. 继续干
  10. 继续使用


  1. vt. 保持; 保留 keep; continue to have or hold
  2. vt. 挡住 keep in place


  1. hold back within;

    "This soil retains water" "I retain this drug for a long time" "the dam retains the water"

  2. allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature;

    "We cannot continue several servants any longer" "She retains a lawyer" "The familys fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff" "Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on" "We kept the work going as long as we could" "She retained her composure" "this garment retains its shape even after many washings"

  3. secure and keep for possible future use or application;

    "The landlord retained the security deposit" "I reserve the right to disagree"

  4. keep in ones mind;

    "I cannot retain so much information"


  1. retain an appearance of youth看上去依旧年轻
  2. retain the characteristics of the working people保持劳动人民的本色
  3. retain ones interest in life保持着对人生的兴趣
  4. retain the memory of sb仍记得某人
  5. retain a memory of ones schooldays仍记得学生时代的情景
  1. always retain一直保持
  2. still retain仍旧保持
  1. retain basely基本上保留
  2. retain gloriously光荣地保留
  3. retain indefinitely不明确地保留
  4. retain invariably始终如一地保持
  5. retain righteously正直地保留
  6. retain selfishly自私地保留
  1. retain on〔over〕对…保持…


  1. His speech could not retain the interest of his audience.他的讲话不能保持住听众的兴趣。
  2. I will retain my right.我将保留我的权力。
  3. Does it retain the key elements of the original story?它是否保留了原作的关键要素?
  4. She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain matters.她记忆力好,很容易记住事情。
  5. He retained the best lawyer in the state to defend his case.他为他的案子聘了该州最好的律师。


    retain作“保留,保存,保持”解时是较为正式的用语,含有不失去的意味,指继续“保持”或“保存”某事物。可用于指保留贵重的物品,老人保持活力,记忆中保持一定的事实等。 retain是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。retain还可作“挡住”解。