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2024-02-05 14:46:17
美[rɪteɪnəbl]  英[rɪteɪnəbl]
adj.  可保持的(可记住的;可聘请的)


  1. A dyke was built to retain the floods. 修了一道堤坝挡住洪水。
  2. I retain a clear memory of those days. 我还清晰地记得那些日子。
  3. He has managed to retain most of his fortune. 他设法保存了他的大部分财产。
  4. Concentrated study will help you to retain knowledge. 专心学习有助于你记住知识。
  5. Dicotyledonous plants retain a series of strands. 双子叶植物中保留着一系列的束。
  6. What should I do? Retain the red door? 现在门已经刷上红色了,怎么办?