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2024-02-05 14:50:16
美[rɪtælɪətɪv]  英[rɪtælɪətɪv]
adj.  报复性的


  1. this time resolved, if his door was broken in (he was a small Southern man of retaliative temperament), to pitch himself head foremost over the parapet, and crush a man or two below. 这回他下定了决心,若是门被闯开,他便从雉堞顶上栽下去抓住一两个人同归于尽(他是个南方人,个子虽小,复仇心却很重)。
  2. the female images in the household, the forbearing women and the retaliative with contorted personality, and revealment of persecution made by society with patriarchal clan system; 家族中女性有逆来顺受的贤妻良母和心理扭曲的报复者,揭示了宗法社会对她们的戕害;
  3. Retali 雷塔利