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2024-02-05 15:02:17
美[rɪtɑːdmənt]  英[rɪtɑːdmənt]
n.  阻滞;耽误;障碍


  1. The rearward regiments are in painful retard. 后续部队受到令人难以忍受的阻碍。
  2. This drug will retard your heart rate. 麻药将使你心率缓慢。
  3. That unpleasant news might retard his recovery. 那个坏消息可能妨碍他的复元。
  4. Its the laughing gas.It make your reflexes retard. 是笑气(用作麻醉剂),延缓你的反映。
  5. Conner Rhodes: Are you a retard too? 妳也是心智遲緩者嗎?
  6. He keeps saying so as to retard the time. 他说个不停,以拖延时间。