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2024-02-05 15:06:16
美[rɪtenteɪt]  英[rɪtenteɪt]
n.  (在渗析过程中未能通过半透膜而被保留下的)保留物;滞留物


  1. The lumens of the membranes are the retentate or feed side. 薄膜的腔为滞留液或供水侧。
  2. The retentate after pervaporation,which has rich nutrition and plenty of organic acids,can be made into acidic beverage. 膜上渗余液营养丰富,含有大量的有机酸,可用于生产苹果酸性饮料。
  3. The retentate after pervaporation, which has rich nutrition and plenty of organic acids, can be made into acidic beverage. 膜上渗余液营养丰富,含有大量的有机酸,可用于生产苹果酸性饮料。
  4. Concluded that compound rhubarb decoction retent ion-enema may alleviate symptoms in uremia patients. 可见,复方大黄煎剂保留灌肠可缓解尿毒症病人症状。
  5. So, the article suggest that the future civil code ordainthe the retent of title of corporation credit, the specific regulation enact the retent of consumer credit. 因此,本文建议将来制定民法典时对企业信用的所有权保留作出规定,对消费信用的所有权保留以单行法加以规范。
  6. This pressure difference across the membrane and concentration differences across the membrane result in transport of certain molecules through the membrane (filtrate or permeate), while larger molecules remain on the feed side (retentate). 这种通过膜的压力差和级差导致特定分子跨膜运输(过滤或渗透)。同时,较大分子保留在进料一侧。