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2024-02-05 15:10:16
美[rɪtentɪvnɪs]  英[rɪtentɪvnɪs]
n.  有保持力;好记性;顽磁力


  1. the power of retaining and recalling past experience;

    "he had a good memory when he was younger"

  2. the property of retaining possessions that have been acquired
  3. the power of retaining liquid;

    "moisture retentivity of soil"


  1. The Results showed that oat gum can improved the retentiveness and the emulsibility of batters.The proucts had good quality and high acceptability. 结果表明,燕麦胶具有较好的持水性和持油性,燕麦胶添加在肉糜中具有较好的可接受性。
  2. This paper discusses the influence of modified starch to the retentiveness ,the emulsibility and gel characters of hen surimi. 探讨了几种变性淀粉对鸡肉糜保水性、乳化性以及凝胶特性的影响。
  3. Concluded that compound rhubarb decoction retent ion-enema may alleviate symptoms in uremia patients. 可见,复方大黄煎剂保留灌肠可缓解尿毒症病人症状。
  4. Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness, ...Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. --- George Santayana. 进步,远不在于改变,而在于那些不变的东西。不能记住过去的人注定只能重复过去。有俗语说,忘记过去意味着背叛,背叛与否倒还有不同的评判标准,然而忘记过去只能重走过去的老路,犯过去的错误,的确让人扼腕。
  5. Apprehension is vivid, retentiveness strong, and our recollections of that time, like those of a time spent in rapid and interesting travel, are of long-drawn out. 那时领悟力佳,记忆力好,那段时期的回忆就像一场快脚步的有趣旅游,内容杂乱而丰富,时间也被拉长。
  6. So, the article suggest that the future civil code ordainthe the retent of title of corporation credit, the specific regulation enact the retent of consumer credit. 因此,本文建议将来制定民法典时对企业信用的所有权保留作出规定,对消费信用的所有权保留以单行法加以规范。