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2024-02-05 15:49:17
美[ˌretnoʊblæstoʊmə]  英[retɪnəʊblæstəʊmə]
n.  [医] 眼癌;视网膜神经胶质瘤(有遗传性)


  1. malignant ocular tumor of retinal cells; usually occurs before the third year of life; composed of primitive small round retinal cells


  1. Pathologic examination confirmed a case of retinoblastoma. 核磁共振检查更察觉松果腺有一肿瘤。
  2. Objective To study the CT findings and clinical features of retinoblastoma(RB). 目的分析视网膜母细胞瘤的CT和临床特征。
  3. At 27 months after therapy, one patient was free of measurable retinoblastoma. 经过 27个月的治疗后,其中一个患者已经没有可测量的视网膜胚细胞瘤。
  4. Retinoblastoma with massive tumor necrosis was proved by pathology after enucleation. 左眼眼球摘除后之病理报告显示为广泛坏死的视网膜胚胎母细胞瘤。
  5. Interaction among Survivin, p53 and bcl-2 might participate in carcinogenesis of retinoblastoma. (2)Survivin、P53和bel一2可能通过相互作用共同参与Rb的发生发展。
  6. Over expression of MDR1 and MRP genes is significantly involved in the mechanism of MDR phenotype in retinoblastoma. MDR1和MRP基因的过度表达是Rb多药耐药现象发生的重要机制。