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2024-02-05 16:30:17
美[riːtrəl]  英[riːtrəl]
adj.  背部的;后部的


  1. moving or directed or tending in a backward direction or contrary to a previous direction
  2. at or near or toward the posterior


  1. The relative displacement between the front and retral loading location is emphasized. 着重研究了前后油缸加载点的相对位移。
  2. Finally, wirebonding technics in the retral packaging of Schottky power diodes is optimized by orthogonal experiment design. 最后用正交试验的方法对肖特基器件后部封装中的压焊工艺进行了参数优化设计。
  3. The effect of adding retral leads towards the positive rate of the Electrocardiogram Tremill Test 增加后壁导联对活动平板心电图阳性率的影响
  4. The terms choice when retral orbital capacity of skull sampals was measured by CT 颅骨标本后部眼眶容积测量时CT扫描条件的选择
  5. retral swing 后摆