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2024-02-05 16:38:16
美[rɪtriːtɪzəm]  英[rɪtriːtɪzəm]
n.  退却主义;逃跑主义;逃避现实


  1. After a weeks work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之後,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下。
  2. The enemy was forced to retreat. 敌人被迫撤退。
  3. He went to his mountain retreat for the weekend. 他去山中的休养所过周末。
  4. I will not retreat from my commitments. 我不会躲避承诺的义务。
  5. I think the only sensible course is to retreat. 我认为唯一明智之举是撤退。
  6. The troop made good their retreat from the occupied city. 部队从沦陷的城市安全撤出。