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2024-02-05 17:35:17
美[retroʊstɜːnəl]  英[retrəʊstɜːnəl]
adj.  [解][医]胸骨后的


  1. Fever, headache, sore throat, cough, retrosternal pain. 发热、头痛、喉咙痛、咳嗽、胸骨后疼痛。
  2. Most patients are asymptomatic;however, retrosternal pain, dry cough or dyspnea may occur due to its mass effect. 虽然大部分的病患没有症状,但是可能因为肿瘤压迫而产生前胸痛、乾咳或呼吸喘。
  3. The chest pain was described as sharp, retrosternal in location, and radiating to the back. 胸痛为局限于胸骨后的锐痛,放射至背部。
  4. The pain of esophageal disease, mediastinal hernia and mediastinal tumer is also a retrosternal . 食管疾患、隔疝、纵隔肿瘤的疼痛也位于胸骨后。
  5. There was no recrudescence.Conclusion Resection via cervical collar incision for retrosternal thyroid nodules is safe, reliabale and easy to operate. 结论颈部低位领式切口切除胸骨后甲状腺肿损伤小,容易操作,安全可靠。
  6. Results: Anastomotic leakage occurred more frequently in retrosternal group than in prevertebral group(22.5% vs.8.6%). 结果: 胸骨后路径组的吻合口瘘发生率(22.;5%25)明显高于食管床路径组(8