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2024-02-05 17:40:17
美[retroʊvaɪrəs]  英[retrəʊvaɪrəs]
n.  逆转录酶病毒( 一种致肿瘤病毒)
  形容词:retroviral  名词复数:retroviruses


  1. any of a group of viruses that contain two single-strand linear RNA molecules per virion and reverse transcriptase (RNA to DNA); the virus transcribes its RNA into a cDNA provirus that is then incorporated into the host cell


  1. Retrovirus is one of the vectors in common use. 逆转录病毒是最为常用的载体之一。
  2. A retrovirus that causes AIDS. HIV was formerly known as HTLV-III. 人类免疫缺陷病毒一种引起爱滋病的反录酶病毒,它原先被认为是人体T细胞白血病毒三期
  3. HIV is a special type of virus known as a retrovirus. 艾滋病毒是一种特殊类型的病毒被称为一反转录病毒。
  4. Conclusions: the replication-defective retrovirus was produced. 结论获得了复制缺陷型逆转录病毒载体。
  5. HIV (in full human immunodeficiency virus):Retrovirus associated with AIDS. 人类免疫不全病毒:与爱滋病相关的反转录病毒。
  6. HIV (in full human immunodeficiency virus): Retrovirus associated with AIDS. 人类免疫不全病毒:与爱滋病相关的反转录病毒。