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2024-02-05 18:12:16
美  英
n.  塔林(爱沙尼亚首都塔林Tallinn的德语称呼)


  1. Reval Inn Klaipeda: Photos and direct prices! 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
  2. Americans think that RMB reval could save the US. 美国人认为人民币重新估值可以拯救美国。
  3. Many Americans think that an RMB reval (sic) would save the US. 许多美国人认为人民币重新估值可以挽救美国。
  4. It shows Leonardos ability to use the human face to reval a persons character. 这显示了达芬奇运用人物的脸去表达人物性格的能力。
  5. Many Americans think that an Rmb reval would save the US [sic].This is just a dream, in my view. 谢国忠对本报说:“我从来没有想过内部电邮会外流,我当时只是有感而发,希望向销售队伍提供一些观点,这封电邮写得很仓促,有些文字只是随手写出来,并不恰当,但我不认为我的观点不对。”
  6. All of his business reval know that they cann`t execpt that such a ruthless person would be remorse. 他的业务对手都知道不可能指望他这样无情的人会手软。