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2024-02-05 18:32:17
美[riːvedʒəˌteɪt]  英[riːvedʒɪteɪt]
v.  [植] 再生长;再植
  名词:revegetation  过去式:revegetated  过去分词:revegetated  现在分词:revegetating  第三人称单数:revegetates


  1. They decided to revegetate in the backyard. 他们决定在后院重新种上花草。
  2. We try to revegetate the saline or alkaline lands near the seashore. 我们试图在海滨附近的盐碱地上重种植物。
  3. Revegetate soil exposed during construction, and installation of a stream crossing following construction. 植被土壤暴露在施工期间,和一过流后的建设安装。
  4. Its necessary to revegetate on bare slopes.Taking into account gradient, height and component of the slopes, the author classifies the slopes on the basis of detailed investigation. 本文在详细调查引道边坡情况的基础上,按照边坡的坡度、高度和物质组成,对边坡进行了分类。