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2024-02-05 19:12:17
美[sɪdlɪ]  英[sɪdlɪ]
adv.  颠倒地;反转地


  1. I thought the case was reversedly installed. 我还以为剑格装反了,
  2. The two guards look like at reversed places,,dressing Dao and sleeves are taken reversedly. 前面那两个卫士貌似左右颠倒的,,佩刀和对衽襟都是反的
  3. The study of arterial anastomotic branches in ankle and foot and the design of flap anastomosed reversedly with the anterior or posterior tibial artery 踝足部血管吻合支的研究与吻合胫前或胫后动脉逆行皮瓣的设计