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2024-02-05 19:53:17
美[ˌriːˌvaɪtəlaɪzeɪʃn]  英[ˌriːˌvaɪtəlaɪzeɪʃn]
n.  新生;复活;恢复元气


  1. bringing again into activity and prominence;

    "the revival of trade" "a revival of a neglected play by Moliere" "the Gothic revival in architecture"


  1. Busy work can make you revitalization and refreshment. 忙是有好处的,它使人振作,精神抖擞;
  2. Today, the Russian people are striving to realize national revitalization. 今天,俄罗斯人正在为民族复兴而努力,
  3. Real estate should also must become the new Northeast revitalization. 房地产业应该也必须成为振兴东北的生力军。
  4. Developing science, technology and education is a task of paramount importance for economic revitalization and the modernization of the country. 发展科技、教育,是实现经济振兴和国家现代化的根本大计。
  5. The Olympics are linked to the further revitalization of Tokyo and promotion of a powerful movement to change Japan. 把奥运会与东京更深远的复兴及有力的促进运动联系起来,改变日本。
  6. Trade-fair of materials, products, technologies and services for revitalization of prefabricated houses. 混凝土楼房建筑技术、材料展。