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2024-02-05 21:25:17
美  英
n.  可靠性机械设备利用学


  1. Such is the salutation of rhe dawn! 这就是向黎明致敬!
  2. Have you ever had any of rhe following diseases? 过去是否患有以下疾病:(每项后面请回答“是”或“否”)
  3. I want it that way,seasons in rhe sun. 后街的英语歌曲不错,西域男孩的 不错。
  4. The national mourning will be put on rhe next morning. 第二天上午将举行国丧。
  5. Flying saucers are real; rhe Air Force doesnt exist. 飞碟是真的;空军并不存在。
  6. If you shed tears when you miss rhe sun,you also miss the stars. 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去星星了.