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2024-02-05 22:02:16
美[riːtə]  英[riːtə]
n.  修辞学教师;修辞学者


  1. They lay upon me the duty of rhetor. 他们要我承担教师的职务。
  2. The rhetor cleared his throat, folded his gloved hands across his chest, and began speaking. 修辞班教师咳嗽了几声,清清嗓子,把两只戴着手套的手交叉在胸前,开始说话。
  3. He listened to the rhetor in silence, feeling from everything he said that his ordeal was soon to begin. 他沉默地倾听修辞班教师讲解,他凭各种迹象预感到考验就要开始了。
  4. For a long while Pierre could not utter a word, so that the rhetor was obliged to repeat his question. 皮埃尔久久地说不出话,修辞班教师不得不重复地提出问题。
  5. SHORTLY AFTER THIS, there walked into the dark temple to fetch Pierre not the rhetor, but his sponsor Villarsky, whom he recognised by his voice. 嗣后不久,已经不是以前的修辞班教师,而是保证人维拉尔斯基走到了这座昏暗的富丽堂皇的宫殿来寻找皮埃尔,皮埃尔一听见保证人的嗓音就认出他了。
  6. A hieroglyph,” said the rhetor, “is the name given to a symbol of some object, imperceptible to the senses and possessing qualities similar to those of the symbol. 修辞班教师说,“象形符号是一种不受制于情感的事物名称,它本身包函类似象征的性能。”