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2024-02-05 22:15:16
美[ruːmi]  英[ruːmi]
adj.  分泌粘液的;阴湿的


  1. moist, damp, wet (especially of air);

    "the raw and theumy damp of night air"

  2. of or pertaining to arthritis;

    "my creaky old joints" "rheumy with age and grief"


  1. Cultivation Techniques of Rheum palmatum L. 掌叶大黄人工栽培技术。
  2. Rheum hotaoense C. Y. Cheng et C.T. Kao. 河套大黄
  3. Chemical Constituents of Rheum tanguticum Maxim. Ex Balf. 唐古特大黄化学成分研究。
  4. Conclusion: Rheum palmatum L. has the effect of retarding aging. 三的清除作用,依次为大黄酸>大黄酚>大黄素>大黄素甲醚>芦荟大黄素。
  5. Coryza leads to rheum, while rheum aggravates coryza. 鼻腔黏膜表面的纤毛节律性的向咽部摆动,使黏液连同异物移向咽部,然后被咽下或咳出。
  6. Biotransformation of Artemisinin by Hairy Root Cultures of Rheum palmatum L. 大黄毛状根对青蒿素的生物转化研究。