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2024-02-05 22:18:16
美[raɪnəl]  英[raɪnl]
adj.  鼻的;鼻腔的


  1. of or in or relating to the nose;

    "nasal passages"


  1. What symptom does rhinal tumour have? ? 鼻腔肿瘤有哪些症状??
  2. Have a person to know the problem of rhinal tumour? Enter please! 有没有人懂鼻腔肿瘤的问题啊?请进!
  3. Chinical application Research of Low Power laser rhinal irradiation[J]. 引用该论文 乔渝珍;孙近仁;贾锋;程关昌.
  4. Flu virus can come on along with infection the excrement and urine of birds pollutes birdhouse with rhinal secretion eduction, basket, mat makings. 流感病毒可以随感染发病禽的粪便和鼻腔分泌物排出而污染禽舍、笼具、垫料等。
  5. Conclusion Marsupialization under nasal endospic is an effective simple operation to treat rhinal vestibule cyst,with little trauma and gentle reaction after operation. 结论在鼻内窥镜下行揭盖法鼻前庭囊肿造袋术手术简单,术后病人反应轻,创伤小,值得临床推广应用。
  6. As a result of,this also is when climate dry and cold, rhinal mucous membrane also becomes dry and flimsy, get hurt very easily and cause small hemal rupture. 这也是由于气候干冷时,鼻腔粘膜也变得干燥脆弱,很容易受伤而导致小血管破裂。